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This Dad Is Out Of The Running For Dad Of The Year

By Kim Carr Mar 22, 2021 | 3:45 PM
I really don’t understand why ANYONE would think this would be okay to do, especially with a small child. As a parent myself we do the best we can to make sure our children our safe from harm. I know if some of us could we would wrap the world in bubble wrap to make things safe. So when I saw this story of the weekend, I just couldn’t even imagine what this dad was thinking.
This weekend a father took his 2 year old daughter to the San Diego Zoo. The father carried his daughter through two fences(one that was an electric fence) to get a better photo. (Hello, isn’t that what zoom is for?)  The elephant of course ended up getting scared and ended up charging towards them. As he was running away from the charging elephant he ended up dropping his daughter but quickly picked her up and was out of harms way…at least from the animal.
The father of course was arrested for child cruelty charges.

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