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Commercials During The Super Bowl Might Be Lackluster This Year

By Kim Carr Jan 25, 2021 | 1:19 PM
The Super Bowl these days are more than just football. It’s about entertainment, food/drinks, and of course the commercials. Over the years there are been some great ones from our favorite products. In my opinion the most memorable ones are seeing the Budweiser Clydesdales.
However this year Anheuser-Busch will NOT be advertising Budweiser during the game. Instead of spending millions of dollars on a 30 second commercial; they will be donating that money to add in the COVID-19 vaccination awareness. You will see other commercials for Bud-Light, and a few others from their brand instead.
Anheuser-Busch isn’t the only one doing this. PepsiCo won’t air commercials for Pepsi. They will have enough placement with their halftime show. They will still showcase some of their other products during the game. Also joining this movement is Coke, Audi and Avocados from Mexico.
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